Saturday, October 26, 2013

Movie Review: Up [2009]

            Another wonderful 3D animated movie from Walt Disney. This movie represents the society in helping others in need or trouble. From the characters point of view, an old man named Carl (Edward Asner), a little scout boy named Russell (Jordan Nagai) and few of their animal companions embarks in a journey while coping up with heaps of obstacles ahead.

            Although it is just an animated movie, everyone from various ages can watch the movie as the movie contains both emotion and moral values. The viewers will not be dished with a common movie with a boring story line. The suspense, unexpected twist and the humour parts of the movie will give you the giggles and tingles.

However the couple’s (Ellie & Carl) story wasn’t emphasized much from the start of their meeting till they become old. Although the love story was short, it was  touching enough to drop some tears. The graphic was realistic and nice to give the viewers the gist of Paradise Fall, where most of the story occurred here. Overall, the movie won’t disappoint you especially for the ones who love to watch a family-oriented movie.

 Nurul Syahirah bt Mohd Zaki - 174665

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